Refinance Process

Getting Your Refinancing Works Done

From Application to Approval

From our experience, we think it is good to align ourselves with you in a process to get your refinancing works done efficiently. Yes, we will guide you in the 4 steps we have identified below.

Know Your Home Loan Status

You landed on our site because you are looking to refinance your home loan. That’s a good start. Do get the following information regarding your current home loan ready: (1) Lock-in Period Expiry; (2) Monthly Repayment, (3) Outstanding Loan Amount, (4) Current Interest Rate & Rate Type; (5) Fees, Charges & Penalties.

Get in Touch with Us

You can reach out to us via email, Whatsapp, call or request a call back. We are more than happy to assist you in the refinancing process. Our mortgage specialist will advise on any penalty or fees you might incur from refinancing during your lock-in period. We will also advise if the refinancing bank is able to subsidise administration, legal and valuation fees for your refinancing with them. 

Refinance Rates Comparison

We will get you the best quotes from all major banks for both fixed and floating rates. We will help you in deciding which rate type might fit your needs better as we walk through with you the pros and cons of each rate type. We also advise you the loan package from each bank until you make your final decision with your ideal loan package and the refinancing bank.

Get Approval

There are some Documents Required to complete your refinance. We will help you through the paperwork and link up with the refinancing bank. You will also get periodic updates on the progress with us. We encourage you to start your refinance process early (4-6 months before lock-in expires) as you will need time to notify your current lending bank.

We are the Guru for Your Refinance Needs

Send a Message or Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you have any question regarding refinancing your loan, do drop us an email. We would love to help. Refinancing decision could be big decision and we are always ready to listen and work towards your need.

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