Refinance Home Loan

Savings . Best Rates . Friendly Advisors

What is Refinance?

Refinance is a process of switching your current loan on a mortgaged property with another bank. You can do a refinance to change your terms (principle, interest and tenure) or cash out when you have on equity.

Get to compare the refinance rates offered by banks to know how much you can save on refinancing.

Know what are the types of refinance and pick the best rate type that cater to your needs.

Is Refinancing Worth The Price?

Refinancing, if timed correctly can help you save on interest paid and better your monthly cash flow. Refinancing is not a matter of should or should not. It is a matter of when.

Equity refinance is one of the cheapest form of borrowing. The extra cash can help you with other commitment or investment.

What are the Fees Involved?

For our service: Absolutely FREE!

The costs to refinance a hourse varies. Your refinancing cost can be zero with the right amount of loan. Or your interest savings could outweigh the costs payable to refinance your mortgage.

What is the Process?

The planning can start as early as 4-6 months before your current lock-in period expires. This is to ensure notification of termination to your current lender.

Our Refinance Process explains to you the steps needed. We are the Guru for your refinancing needs.

Refinance HDB Home Loan

HDB dwellers can choose to convert their existing HDB loan to a bank loan. Do take note this is an irreversible process as you cannot refinance with HDB after such a conversion. HDB owners having an existing bank loan can switch and refinance its current bank loan to another bank. In either case, if you are refinancing to a bank offering a lower interest rate, you will save money on your interest. Below are some of rates offered by our working banks.

BankProductType of RateLock-inStarting Rate
HSBCHSBC 1-month SIBOR (1)Floating 2 yrs1.30%
Standard CharteredSCB 3-month SIBORFloating 2 yrs1.40%
MaybankMaybank 3M SiborFloating 2 yrs1.40%
Standard CharteredSCB 2Y-FixedFixed2 yrs1.45%
CitibankCiti 2Y-FixedFixed2 yrs1.45%
Standard CharteredSCB 3M-SiborFloating2 yrs1.45%

Refinance Private Property Loan

Private property owners can only finance their property with a bank or finance institute. After the lock-in period, the loan interest rate usually goes up. Therefore these property owners will choose to refinance their mortgage to another bank so as to save on the interest. Below are some current refinance rates offered by our the banks.

BankProductType of RateLock-inStarting Rate
CIMBCIMB 2Y-Fixed (min $200k; Deposit $250k)Fixed2 yrs1.30%
HSBCHSBC 1M Sibor (min $200k)Floating2 yrs1.30%
CIMBCIMB 2Y-Fixed (min $200k)Fixed 2 yrs1.38%
Standard CharteredSCB 3M SiborFloating 2 yrs1.40%
MaybankMaybank 3M Sibor Floating2 yrs1.40%
Standard CharteredSCB 2Y-FixedFixed2 yrs1.45%

Popular Home Loan Refinancing Banks

We work with All major banks

DBS Home Loan Refinancing
OCBC Home loan Refinance
UOB Home Loan Refinance
Citibank Refinance Interest Rates
HSBC Refinance Interest Rates
Hong Leong Finance Refinance Institution
Maybank Refinance Interest Rates
Standard Chartered Refinance Interest Rates

Popular Home Loan Refinancing Banks

We work with All major banks

DBS Home Loan Refinancing
OCBC Home loan Refinance
UOB Home Loan Refinance
Citi Mortgage Refinance
HSBC Home Loan Refinance
Hong Leong Finance Refinance Institution
Maybank Refinance Home Loan
SCB Refinance Home Loan

Your Refinancing Journey


There are many refinancing banks to consider. And sometimes it is not only about the best rates. What about floating or fixed interest rate? How about the economic outlook to favour which type of rate should you go for? How about the paperworks?

We understand there are many questions you might have. Fret not. We are here to guide you in every step of the way. Our Refinance Process helps you in getting your refinance done.

We are the Guru for Your Refinance Needs


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